Gallery Off Grid established as a base for creating and transmitting culture of Fukushima after the Great East Japan Earthquake. For its ninth installment, Spirit of “North” was held in Fukushima as a project to keep the focus on Tohoku by showing the works of international artists exhibited at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum the previous year.
During the opening, we held a presentation about the project and held a conversation with folklorist and gallery representative Mr. Akasaka Norio and Maruyama Yoshiko.
アーティスト Artists
丸山芳子/MARUYAMA Yoshiko(日本/Japan)
アマンダ・ビルバリ/Amanda BILLBERG (スウェーデン/Sweden)
ヴィグディス・ハウグトゥロ/Vigdis HOUGTRØ (ノルウェイ/Norway)
ヘレナ・ユンティラ/Helena JUNTTILA(フィンランド/Finland)
展覧会 Exhibition
2018年1月18日~2月21日/ 18 January – 21 February, 2018
画像をクリックしてください / Click the image
- from the right: Amanda BILLBERG, Helena JUNTTILA, MARUYAMA Yoshiko
- MARUYAMA Yoshiko
- from the right: Helena JUNTTILA, Amanda BILLBERG
- MARUYAMA Yoshiko
- Vigdis HOUGTRØ
トークイベント Talk Event
丸山芳子「精神の〈北〉へ これまでとこれから」/ Maruyama Yoshiko [Spirit of “North” the past and future]

赤坂憲雄 x 丸山芳子「北へ、曠野へ」/ Akasaka Norio x Maruyama Yoshiko [To the North, to the Wild]

会場 Venue
ギャラリー・オフグリッド(福島県福島市荒町4-7 県庁南再エネビル3F) / Gallery Off Grid (4-7 Aramachi, Fukushima city, Fukushima prefecture.)
主催 Organizer
一般財団法人ふくしま自然エネルギー基金/Fukushima Renewable Future Fund
企画 Curator
丸山芳子(精神の〈北〉へ 実行委員会)/Maruyama Yoshiko (Spirit of “North” Executive Committee)