In 2019, we held exhibition Spirit of ‘North’ vol. 10 at the Rovaniemi Art Museum in Lapland, Finland’s northernmost region.
Lapland, with its similarities with Tohoku region in Japan, such as their deep spiritual connection with nature, the history of conquest, their location.
This exchange was meaningful opportunity to deepen our connection and understanding of each other as fellow northerners who was invited our project in 2015.
The artworks of nine artists were connected across the three exhibition spaces. They showed human beings, animals, imaginary beings, Japanese festivals and natural phenomena such as disasters. These species and souls lightly crossed boundaries in their expressions, which resonated each other in the whole space in the venue.
アーティスト Artists
日本 Japan
丸山芳子/MARUYAMA Yoshiko(Curator of the exhibition)
石倉敏明/ISHIKURA Toshiaki
中津川浩章/NAKATSUGAWA Hiroaki
丸山常生/MARUYAMA Tokio
千葉奈穂子/CHIBA Naoko
フィンランド Finland
ヘレナ・ユンティラ/Helena JUNTTILA(Curator of the exhibition)
ミア・ハマリ/Mia HAMARI
ユッカ・タルキアイネン/Jukka TARKIAINEN
ティッタ・コート/Titta COURT
アウリ・アホラ/Auri AHOLA
スウェーデン Sweden
展覧会 Exhibition
2019年9月21日~2020年1月26日/ 21 September 2019 ~ 26 January 2020
◼️講演 Seminar
ソイリ・ニュステン-ハーララ/Soili Nysten-Haarala(Faculty of Law, University of Lapland)
石倉敏明/ISHIKURA Toshiaki(芸術人類学/Art-Anthropology)
丸山芳子&ヘレナ・ユンティラ/MARUYAMA Yoshiko & Helena JUNTTILA
モニカ・テンバリ/Monica Tennberg (Arctic Centre, University of Lapland)
◼️パフォーマンス Performance
ティッタ・コート&アウリ・アホラ/Titta COURT & Auri AHOLA
アマンダ・ビルバリ/Amanda BILLBERG
丸山常生/MARUYAMA Tokio
◼️会場 Venue
ロヴァニエミ美術館(ロヴァニエミ市、フィンランド)/Rovaniemi Art Museum (Korundi House of Culture)
画像をクリックしてください / Click the image
- Video: CHIBA Naoko, Installation & Painting: MARUYAMA Yoshiko
- Painting: Helena JUNTTILA, Installation: MARUYAMA Tokio
- Painting: NAKATSUGAWA Hiroaki, Sculpture: Mia HAMARI
- Left: ISHIKURA Toshiaki, Right: Jukka TARKIAINEN
- Performance: Auri AHOLA & Titta COURT (photo: Arto Liiti)
- Performance: Amanda BILLBERG (photo: Arto Liiti)
- Performance: MARUYAMA Tokio (photo: Jukka Tarkiainen)
- Artists (photo: Arto Liiti)
個々の作品は、2019.10.13のニュース「ロヴァニエミ美術館で vol.10スタート」をご覧ください。
主催 Organizer
ロヴァニエミ美術館/Rovaniemi Art Museum
精神の〈北〉へ 実行委員会/Spirit of “North” Executive Committee
Curators of the exhibition: Aira Huovinen, Helena JUNTTILA, MARUYAMA Yoshiko
協力 Sponsor & Cooperation
公益財団法人ポーラ美術振興財団/Pola Art Foundation
公益財団法人朝日新聞文化財団/The Asahi Shimbun Foundation
国際交流基金/Japan Foundation
Wihuri Foundation
Laplands Culture Foundation
福島県立博物館/Fukushima Museum