“Is there a shared spirituality amongst groups of people who live in northern regions of the globe, outside of race and nationality?”
With this question as the driving force, our project Spirit of ‘North’ has continued to explore the spirituality of northern peoples by creating a platform for artists from Tohoku (the northern region of Japan including Fukushima) and from other northern regions of the world to interact with each other and exchange ideas.
This project was initiated soon after the Great East Japan Earthquake hit Tohoku in 2011. The earthquake, tsunami and the nuclear-power-plant disaster that ravaged the land also uncovered the fact that much of Tohoku culture remained unknown or misunderstood by the outside world. It acted as a catalyst to raise the following question: what is at the heart of Tohoku identity?
Spirit of ‘North’ facilitates interactions between the people of Tohoku and other northern areas of the world to examine a northern spirituality that resonates among us all. Beyond lifting the spirits of Tohoku people after the disaster, our project aspires to create a global network through which northerners from across the world, and anyone who is drawn to the north, can collaboratively build a ‘northern philosophy’. Our project aims to bring together diverse artistic languages of different northern communities and add these regional expressions to the global artistic discourse. Moreover, the project hopes to bridge art and other humanities fields in an attempt to investigate regionality and universality.
We began the project in 2011, and invited Finnish artists to participate in it in 2015. Through an exhibition and an artist talk, we opened up an in-depth discussion about kinship with nature and the spirituality of indigenous people in our respective regions. This year, we’ll soon hold exhibition Spirit of ‘North’ vol. 10 at the Rovaniemi Art Museum in Lapland, Finland’s northernmost region. It coincides with the 100-year anniversary of diplomatic relations between Japan and Finland. We are certain it will allow us to deepen our connection and understanding of each other as fellow northerners. Lapland, with its similarities to Tohoku, makes it a perfect site for this exhibition to reflect on the project’s journey thus far. Getting immersed in the land and the community of Lapland, we hope to deeply contemeplate northern spirituality and our northerner identity.
The exhibition will bring together many forms of artistic expression, including painting, sculpture, installation, video art, dance and performance presented with anthropological knowledge. By encompassing diverse representations of northern cultures in this exhibition, we hope to highlight our shared worldview built upon northern spiritualities. Those resonance one another will be opposite from the intolerance in the present society.
Finally, we would like to extend our sincere gratitude to all who contributed to realising this project.
【会期 Exhibition Period】
2019年9月21日〜2020年1月26日/ 21 September 2019 ~ 26 January 2020
【会場 Venue】
Rovaniemi Art Museum (Korundi House of Culture: Lapinkävijäntie 4, 96100 Rovaniemi, Finland)
【主催 Organiser】
ロヴァニエミ美術館/Rovaniemi Art Museum
精神の〈北〉へ 実行委員会/Spirit of “North” Executive Committee
【協力 Sponsor & Cooperation】
助成 //
公益財団法人ポーラ美術振興財団/Pola Art Foundation
公益財団法人朝日新聞文化財団/The Asahi Shimbun Foundation
国際交流基金/Japan Foundation
Wihuri Foundation
Laplands Culture Foundation
後援 //
福島県立博物館/Fukushima Museum
【表現者 Artist】
日本 Japan //
丸山芳子/MARUYAMA Yoshiko(兼キュレーター/Curator of the exhibition)
石倉敏明/ISHIKURA Toshiaki
中津川浩章/NAKATSUGAWA Hiroaki
丸山常生/MARUYAMA Tokio
千葉奈穂子/CHIBA Naoko
フィンランド Finland //
ヘレナ・ユンティラ/Helena JUNTTILA(兼キュレーター/Curator of the exhibition)
ミア・ハマリ/Mia HAMARI
ユッカ・タルキアイネン/Jukka TARKIAINEN
ティッタ・コート/Titta COURT
アウリ・アホラ/Auri AHOLA
スウェーデン Sweden //
アマンダ・ビルバリ/Amanda BILLBERG
【講演 Lecture & Seminar】
石倉敏明/ISHIKURA Toshiaki (芸術人類学/Art-Anthropology)
ソイリ・ニュステン-ハーララ/Soili Nysten-Haarala (Faculty of Law, University of Lapland)
丸山芳子&ヘレナ・ユンティラ/MARUYAMA Yoshiko & Helena JUNTTILA)
モニカ・テンバリ/ Monica Tennberg (Arctic Centre, University of Lapland)
【公演 Performance & Dance】
丸山常生/MARUYAMA Tokio
アマンダ・ビルバリ/Amanda BILLBERG
ティッタ・コート&アウリ・アホラ/Titta COURT & Auri AHOLA
中津川浩章 NAKATSUGAWA Hiroaki 光の船団」2011
丸山芳子 MARUYAMA Yoshiko 「命のはじまり 3」2017
ヘレナ・ユンティラ Helena JUNTTILA 「トンボ」2015
ミア・ハマリ Mia HAMARI 「聴く人」2017
丸山常生 MARUYAMA Tokio (諫早市美術・歴史館でのパフォーマンス光景) 2017
丸山芳子 MARUYAMA Yoshiko 「森羅万象というあなた」2017
石倉敏明 ISHIKURA Toshiaki 「釜津田のシシ踊り」2017
ユッカ・タルキアイネン Jukka TARKIAINEN 「故郷を離れて」2018 (photo by Helena JUNTTILA)
千葉奈穂子 CHIBA Naoko 「浜辺のまち」2017
アマンダ・ビルバリ Amanda BILLBERG 「Falling in Forest」2017
丸山常生 MARUYAMA Tokio (東京都美術館でのパフォーマンス) 2017
photo:Kawasaki Mikio
アマンダ・ビルバリ Amanda BILLBERG 「Falling in Silver」2017
photo: Kawasaki Mikio
ティッタ・コート Titta COURT
photo: Jenina Tormanen
アウリ・アホラ Auri AHOLA
photo: Hannu Mällinen